feeling good today and I wanted to share it! I was just reflecting over the last 24 hours and realized that I'm having a good day and I wanted to take a moment to share and appreciate it.
It started yesterday when a co-worker asked me to have lunch with her. I didn't bring a lunch so I agreed to go. I only had a $5 on me and I didn't want to use my debit card to spend more than that. (That money is set aside for our taxes.) So I suggested going to Subway (thinking I'd get their $5 special, have 1/2 for lunch one day and 1/2 the next) but she needed to run an errand on the other side of town, so she suggested we go somewhere else. I started to get nervous that I'd go over budget, but I was able to find something cheap for only a few dollars.
Yippee! (Don't mind me, I'm appreciating the little things...)
Then last night I had to stay for at work late for a function and we had food brought in for dinner, so that was a free meal! My hubby came to pick me up (since we car pool) and I was able to score
free dinner for him as well.
We also looked at an apartment right near my work (I could actually get some exercise and WALK to work each day!) that would
save us about $170 per month in just rent, not to mention gas money! We're going back to check it out again later today.
I just got another
free meal at work today because of training we're having - they always order too much food! So, that's lunch money I can save. There was actually so many sandwiches left over that I wrapped 2 up for our lunches for tomorrow... ahhhh, the taste of
SWEET SAVINGS!Last, but certainly not least, my husband has a
job interview tomorrow for a full time position! Oh, I am so excited about this one. We could really use the extra money, for sure! The only weird thing is that it's closer to where we currently live. 6 miles from the house to be exact. That would be perfect for him, if we stay where we're at, but kind of a bummer if we end up moving.
Not sure how it will all play out, but please keep your fingers crossed for us. We'll certainly have lots to think through and talk about as we take this next step in our lives.
Oh yeah, and tomorrow is
FRIDAY, so that's another great reason to smile :0) Enjoy the rest of your week!