I plan to sit down next week and write up my goals for 2011, but until then, I wanted to close off this year right and share my thoughts. If you're interested, please feel free to join in on the fun and share as well :)
2010 in one word : Accountability. This was my year to take a good, hard look at my finances and finally be accountable for them. This is the year, I decided to come up with a plan of attack. Sure, there's been some ups and downs along the way, but it's progress and for that, I'm proud.
Best Lesson Learned : Cut yourself some slack. I learned that progress is progress, even if it's a baby step - it's a step! I'm my worst critic and I hold the bar the highest on myself, so when I don't achieve things on the first attempt, I am hard on myself. This year, I learned to cut myself some slack.
Best Memory : Marrying my sweetheart! We had a great wedding and honeymoon. I made memories that will last me a lifetime :)
Best Item Purchased : Lipgloss. I'm not a super girly-girl, but man oh man, do I love this lipgloss! The color is perfect and it must have menthol or something in it that makes my lips tingle and get puffy. I just feel so pretty when I have it on. It's my best purchase of 2010 and it really wasn't that expensive!
Something I'm Proud Of : This blog :) Although I don't get on here every day, I do try to provide regular updates on our progress. I'm proud that I've started it and plan to continue it in 2011.