Monday, December 5, 2011

My Weekly Money Check-Up : 12/5/11

Here's my Weekly Money Check-Up, courtesy of My Pretty Pennies :)

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on a keyboard for my hubby. He recently decided that he wants to learn to play the piano. We went to Costco for ham and ended up leaving with a keyboard for about $100. I asked if he wanted it to be a gift from Santa, but he declined. He decided he wanted to use his "fun money" over the next 3 weeks to pay for it. I'm proud of him! In the past, he wouldn't give a second thought to where the money came from and now he has it all thought out.

2. Today I am thankful for friends. Although I don't have a ton of them, the handful of people that I would truly call "my friends" bring me such happiness.

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was decorated our Christmas tree! I just love doing that each year. After we bought our tree, we made a quick stop for a peppermint hot-cocoa (a necessity for me when decorating the tree) and home we went for hours of Christmas music and tree decorating... what fun!

4. I will consider this week a success if I stay on target with my budget for Vegas. Because I splurge so infrequently, sometimes things get a little out of control when I do. I'm hoping I keep a level head and do other fun stuff with my girlfriend, other than blow all the money we bring with us. Vegas is a blast for sight seeing and people watching - two of my favorite free things to do!

5. My favorite Christmas gift as a child was
my dollhouse. I had hours of fun decorating and rearranging the items in the house.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


  1. I'm glad he's thinking about where the money for the keyboard would come from!

  2. LOL I like the part about going to Costco for a ham and coming out with a keyboard. I used to be shocked every time I left that store because I always ended up buying so much extra stuff because it all looked so nice!
    Have a great time in Vegas (and bring a coat--it's COLD here!). There are a lot of free and cheap things to do here (here's a list--some are free and some arent-- Also, it is National Finals Rodeo through the 10th.
