Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yippee! The new electricity bill arrived!

We did it! We got our electricity bill down almost $100 this month! Sweet :) If you've been reading along, you may recall that our bill went from about $57 to $181 because we used our heat on a couple of cold days we had. It only took me one quick phone call to the electric company to hear that our heat costs over $4 PER HOUR to run, for me to decide that we could easily layer up and control this unnecessary expense! So, that's what we did. We layered up (including hats and scarfs on some days) and it paid off! After my obsessive checking yesterday, our bill came in this morning... it's down to to $88! I'm so proud of us and excited that it's more in line with what we have budgeted. Phew! I can relax a bit. It's still a little higher than I'd like but that's probably from all of our Christmas lights, which I won't budge on. I just think little white lights are so pretty. We've since taken the lights down though so next month will probably be even lower. I can't wait!


  1. See my guest post on how to save on the heating bill and stay warm!

    I hate paying bills, but being cold sucks.

  2. $4 per hour for heat. That's utterly ridiculous. Our bill here in ND would be $2880 per month! OMG! I would layer up to to avoid that cost. Good job on keeping it down.

  3. Wow! That's great! Mr. Red and I do the same... Me especially. I don't like being cold, but you can always put on another sweater and bundle up in covers. Being cold in the apartment beats being hot any day! :)

  4. Awesome job!!! It all adds up eh?!!!

  5. I have never thought to ask how much it costs to run a particular appliance, I might try googling that info.

    Well done to you that was a whopping difference.

  6. awesome job on getting it down!!! Keep it up!

  7. Isn't it great that you can celebrate a BILL!! I check daily too and get pretty excited about whether it's gone up or down (love the downs, the ups not so much!!) You were so proactive with your electrical. Wish I had co-operation around here regarding lights and so on.

  8. Luckily our heat is gas. However, since we purchased our new heating and air conditioning unit, our bills have been much lower. We still keep our heat at 68 degrees and are completely comfortable!

    Great job on the savings!

  9. I love that you would rather wear scares and sweaters but keep the christmas lights on! I would do the same thing!!! I'm glad we know our priorities : )
