Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekly Money Check-Up!

Hi all! Happy Monday :) Here's my Weekly Money Check-Up, courtesy of My Pretty Pennies.

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on my niece's tuition. I paid the rest of it off in full (for this semester), so I wouldn't have to think about it as I juggle bills trying to get the $7K we owe for taxes.

2. Today I feel optimistic towards money. I'm really hopeful that we'll get the whole amount needed for taxes and then after that, we'll attack our debt aggressively.

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was go to two local farmers' markets to check out the local produce. It was nice to get out and see what's out there. We got to
casually walk around and take it all it. It was a nice treat. We ended up spending $5 on some homemade kettle corn at one of the markets and didn't buy anything at the other, so all in all, it was an inexpensive treat.

4. I will consider this week a success if I
get some items posted for sale online. At this point it looks like we're a couple of hundred dollars short of our goal for taxes, so I need to get some other items sold. I don't want to wait until the last minute and be stressed out, so I'll be proud of myself if I get stuff posted this week.

5. My guilty pleasure TV show is
The Real Housewives. I don't get cable any longer, so it's not often that I get to watch it, but once in a great while I catch it and I wonder to myself why I waste time watching such nonsense, but I can't help it!

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