Monday, February 13, 2012

Variable Paychecks

My hubby now has the opportunity to earn overtime at his new job. This is a first for us. I'm a salaried employee, so I take home the same paycheck each week, with no variation. In my hubby's old jobs, he never had an opportunity to work 40 hours, forget about going over that!

Well, he got paid on Friday and I was happy to see that he put in 8 hours of overtime! This really adds up. We got some extra cash to put towards our debt, which was unexpected and happily accepted :)

I'm really liking the idea of variable paychecks.

If I keep budgeting on the low side and he keeps putting in a little OT here and there, we'll be able to throw even more at our debt than we planned! This monkey is getting off my back whether he likes it or not.


  1. That's awesome! I wish I could get overtime!

  2. Hello. I am new to your blog :-) At my work we can only take overtime off, we can't get it paid but I like having some extra free time too- :-)

    1. Hi Ella! Welcome :) That's interesting they don't offer the option of extra pay. I hear you though, the time off would be nice too.

  3. Even though a teacher's job is NEVER done we don't get any I understand why lol! There isn't enough $$ to pay all teacher's for all of their over time!! Wrong profession, oh well!
    Your plan is perfect - that ol' debt will be gone in record time!

    1. You are right Jane, there will NEVER be enough money to pay all those teachers for how long and how hard they work!

  4. That's pretty sweet. I personally don't like working overtime but when I do, the extra money always amazes me and it comes in handy. Even an hour helps.

    Unlike Ella, I can only get paid, I can't get time but I wish I could work for time instead. I much prefer that to money. Better yet is if I could choose.

    Keep budgeting on the low side and when the OT comes in, things will be awesome. I'm happy for you.

    1. I agree Rafiki, being able to choose would be the best option!

  5. That is great news! Overtime is like bonus money!

  6. I get overtme at my job - and honestly I'm tired LOL! I don't have a choice with most of it and often it's more days ot than I get in vacation. BUT you're right in how nice it is to get it on the paycheck! problem we have is that some people got used to it being the norm and when it's been cut (a lot lately for the optional stuff) and some are suffering big-time!

    we gripe about our pay but the way they have things structured our next level would be salaried with no ot pay and no way I'm doing that - my boss has that and she puts in more hour a week than we do sometimes and gets paid the same.
