Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year & My Weekly Money Check-Up

Happy New Year! Boy oh boy, am I off to a bad start with blogging already this year?!? I'll be honest with you, it's due to my new position. Since August, I haven't been able to blog as regularly as I like to. Forget about actually even having time to get on here and check out what you have all been up to. I'm missing it big time! I'm hoping I can get into a lunch time routine but often times, I tend to get pulled back into work and am unable to get online. I've got to figure something out.

Anyway, I hope this finds you all doing well and that you stayed on course over the holidays. We did quite well! Hubby and I had a $300 allowance for each other and came in pretty darn close to that. Also, as an update, I met my friend in Vegas, as planned in early December. That trip went well and I'm happy to say I did not go horribly off plan. (READ: I spent a little more than anticipated, but it all worked out in the end.)

Okay, here's my first Weekly Money Check-Up of 2012 - courtesy of My Pretty Pennies:

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on a payment to our credit card... $1,915! We are so kickin' butt.

2. Today I am thankful for my wonderful husband. He is so supportive and on board with the goals I want to accomplish in life. It really makes me smile :)

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was daydreamed a bit with the hubby about our future. We have some exciting EARLY RETIREMENT plans I look forward to sharing here in the near future! (Whaaaat?!?)

4. I will consider this week a success if I get some exercise in. Another new development that I'll share more about soon!

5. If I could change one thing about my home
it would be to actually OWN our own home. We are renting while we pay off our debt and save up for a down payment and I can't wait to get into our own place that we can really personalize and call our own.

Have a great week!


  1. I'm glad you're back! I was wondering what happened to you! Anyway good luck in your new job and it looks like you ae doing great at paying off your credit cards!

  2. That's ok, just as long as you don't disappear altogether!! Early retirement?? LOVE IT!! Hoping to make that dream come true for myself as well, good luck and can't wait to hear about it!

  3. Early retirement sounds amazing. Good luck friend!
