Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So, I did it! Today I went for my very first mammogram. I thought the cartoon above was a good depiction of how I felt afterward. Just kidding. It really wasn't that bad. It's one of those things that people talk about and it grows to something bigger and much worse in your mind and then it's not that horrible when it happens. Or at least that was my experience anyway!

It's days like to today that I really appreciate having medical insurance. Although, there are lots of valuable resources available for those without insurance if you know where to look. The Susan G. Koman website has great information available about breast cancer and they are helpful info if you can't afford to get a mammogram. They offer low or no cost solutions on their website, so there is no excuse not to get squished!


  1. My boobs aren't nearly big enough to do that... lol! I had a mammomgram at 20 & fainted. Good times!! ;)

  2. Wow you are brave. I have been too chicken to get one (visions of your cartoon have been dancing in my head!) but I think I should just suck it up and make an appointment. Good for you!!

  3. So glad you did'nt find it too bad, I am afraid it's a necessary evil in my case as my Mum had both breasts removed when she was really young. which puts me in the high risk category.
    I am on a national register and get a reminder letter to come in every year, normally it's every two years.
    Like you I am now waiting for my results, fingers crossed for us both.....

  4. I had my 2nd one ever 2 months ago. Not that bad really. The tech was super nice and made it as comfortable as possible.
    It was so much fun (not really) I get to do it again in 3 months. Then on to the biopsy and or lumpectomy. Being a woman is so special. :p

  5. I'm like Carla! I find them pretty painful because it seems like they're pulling everything from my bellybutton upwards! Yowzers! But a necessary evil that we must endure.

  6. OH dear, I'm like Jane and Carla..
